September 18, 2010

Ready to Pop

So it is official.... I am FULL TERM! 

But no baby yet. The doctor said for the past 2 weeks I am 70% effaced and 2 cm dilated. The GingerPea is sitting camping as looow as she can...

In fact I am sure if she went any lower she would just fall out.

The doctor was measuring me on Thursday and he said that his guess is that she will be 7pd 14oz when she comes out. He then asked how big I I look at him and say umm?? All of my Mom's kids were 9-10pds......awkward silence......'oh Hell'.....then he apologized and said hopefully that doesn't happen to me.All I could do is giggle. Sorry Mom.

In other news because I am 'high risk' they have put a Pop date on if this GingerPea doesn't come willingly they will encourage her out on Oct 5th. A lot longer than I thought he would let me go...but that is good right?

We are mostly all ready now. We have hospital bags packed and most everything washed and put away...a few loose ends to tie up here or there but nothing to bad. I am ready to be done because well the 'comfortable' feelings left completely about 2 weeks ago....I have tried to encourage this girl out but alas...she is her mothers child.

Just for the last here are some Maternity Pics we had this great little photo shop south of us. Enjoy! If anyone wanted to see the full set you can go to  UN: 2010449Pomazal

1 comment:

  1. This too will come to pass, love you doll babe. Mom
