September 23, 2010

Bed Rest and Baby Showers in a box

So it is official....after a non-stress test on Tuesday I was put on bedrest because my blood pressure was too high. Well...first they took me to labor and delivery and ran a bunch of test then they decided I could go home on bed rest.

Well I had a follow up this morning with the doctor...and my blood pressure was higher this time and I had a little protein in my urine (for those who don't know that is bad). So they have decided to put a fork in me... I am set to induce tomorrow. I *think* I am excited. I am glad to have an end in sight but at the same time I don't know. It is a lot all at once.

Just so everyone knows I feel fine...I don't feel sick at all just bored out of my mind sitting at home all day. The doctor thinks that the GingerPea is ok too..she is moving around and kicking away. They have just decided that it is better to be safe then sorry in these types of situations. That is ok with me although the original Pea is a little stressed I think he is happy about it is hard to tell sometimes. I just think he wants it all over with so we can move on to the next chapter.

In other news I had a wonderful surprise yesterday. My friends from afar got together without my knowledge and put together a 'Baby Shower in a Box' It totally made my day. It was nice on the I feel locked up and the world hates me day to have a surprise.  I even put it all out so you could see most of it although the pic isn't great due to being taken by my camera on my cellphone.

We appreciate all of your love and support and look forward to putting pictures of the GingerPea up when she comes. Oh, and Last chance for guesses on size time and name.

September 18, 2010

Ready to Pop

So it is official.... I am FULL TERM! 

But no baby yet. The doctor said for the past 2 weeks I am 70% effaced and 2 cm dilated. The GingerPea is sitting camping as looow as she can...

In fact I am sure if she went any lower she would just fall out.

The doctor was measuring me on Thursday and he said that his guess is that she will be 7pd 14oz when she comes out. He then asked how big I I look at him and say umm?? All of my Mom's kids were 9-10pds......awkward silence......'oh Hell'.....then he apologized and said hopefully that doesn't happen to me.All I could do is giggle. Sorry Mom.

In other news because I am 'high risk' they have put a Pop date on if this GingerPea doesn't come willingly they will encourage her out on Oct 5th. A lot longer than I thought he would let me go...but that is good right?

We are mostly all ready now. We have hospital bags packed and most everything washed and put away...a few loose ends to tie up here or there but nothing to bad. I am ready to be done because well the 'comfortable' feelings left completely about 2 weeks ago....I have tried to encourage this girl out but alas...she is her mothers child.

Just for the last here are some Maternity Pics we had this great little photo shop south of us. Enjoy! If anyone wanted to see the full set you can go to  UN: 2010449Pomazal

September 8, 2010

Baby Showers, Baseball, & Big Belly.....oh and a Birthday

So it has been a little while since I have updated but fear not.... I have had lots of fun in my absence.

Over the last few weeks I have been busy busy busy. I was in California for 2 weeks visiting my lovely family. During that time, we had 2 fun baby showers and one fun family celebration.

First for the showers, thank you to my family my Aunt Buddie, Grandmie and Kat for throwing a fun shindig in Sacramento, and My Moms Sharon & Debbie, as well as all my little sisters Emily, Alex, & Tyra for doing one up north in Redding. It was Great! I have lots of fun pics.

A few notes, the cakes you see pictured were done by my mom, my sis Em and I (varying amounts for each cake but we did them together)

I put together a video slide show of the pics from the events so that it wasn't 5000 pics to scroll through.

Also at the end you will see on shot of Jason & I all oranged out. That was before the Giants game. The celebration! You see my family likes to do things all at once so when we were there we got tickets for everyone to the game because it was My birthday (Aug 31st ... 27 for those who asked) Emmers birthday (Sept 1st...she isn't a teen any more) Stevies birthday (Aug 31st....10 years my younger) and my Parents Anniversary (Aug 28th....28 years) so.... we thought we would celebrate in style.....our style of course so we went to a baseball game! It was great fun even though they lost we had a blast and Jason & I made the fan photo can see us here

As far as updates on the little Pea go...she is well. Doc at last apt (last Tues) said she was measuring at the small end of normal. They judge this by measuring how big your belly gets, it should match the weeks you are pregnant. I was 34 weeks and the belly was 32 cm. So smaller than normal but not too small. Also I have been going to non stress tests 2x's a week for the last little while. A few fun facts....1. my belly holds lots of water right now 2. She has dropped, according to the one tech...she is quite low the pics on the slide show are from before but never you fear Jason & I are getting pics done on Sat so we will have a few fresh ones for ya then. 3. She has HAIR!! I know weird right? Apparently they can tell that from the ultrasounds they do... it looks like well fuz on her head now no saying it will stay but as of now she isn't bald. 4. The Pea is her daddies girl, she is a mover and a shaker....they are always impressed with how active she is...needless to say...I am not surprised her daddy never holds still. Other things oh we are first time parents who are jumpy so laugh as you may but we had a scare last Sat and thought my water broke so we went to the hospital only to be sent home...but I am preregistered now :) and well I feel a little dorky about it but alas such is life right?

Oh also the Braxton-Hicks have started and man alive they are fun. They are almost always triggered by walking but sometimes not and well lets go with they tickle. I guess luck favors the prepared so this is good preparation right? Also it is about that time we get to play the guessing game...of when she will come. As of right now here is what we know so that everyone has a fair playing field for guessing. Before I left for California I was dilated to 1.5 but not effaced. That was 3+ weeks ago. The doctor does not want me going much past 38 weeks... for those of you who can't remember I will be 36 this Sat. I am getting regular Braxton-Hicks...some don't hurt and go away fast....others on the other hand last for a few hours straight and can become quite painful. Oh and the original Pea ie...Jason doesn't have much hope for me making another week or so... now he has no reason medically just it is how he feels so weight that as you will. Lastly Grandma E. (ie my mom) said she isn't ready until the 25th so the little Gingerpea has to weight until then....oh and family history dictates that I will be late. My mom Grandma E. held all of her baby's Loooong...I was induced 3x's before I came out.....I have always been one to make an entrance ... just sayin'. Also what is the fun of a game with no prize right? So....whomever guesses right will get a Certificate of good guessing mailed to them....handed off if they are local...maybe even a picture.

Closing thoughts for those who like pictures we will have lots for you in the coming weeks. Jason & I were supposed to have Auntie Em take some in Cali but due to some serious schedule changes and a broken camera *sad sigh* they didn't happen. So I scheduled a photo shoot at Photofly for this weekend before my final baby shower. Also because I am a deal junkie I have craigslist on my new phone and a local photo studio was looking for models for there new infant I responded and the little Gingerpea will be getting her pictures done (free of charge) from here : we will also have a dvd and pic CD to keep. I am pretty excited about all of the fun stuff coming showers, pictures, Baby Gingerpea...more pictures. Anyways love you all.

~The Ginger