May 25, 2010

Belly & Baby Pic's

So it has taken a few days longer because of the move but they are finally here the newest Ginger Pea pics & a pic of how big my belly is currently.

A few interesting things that have happened recently is Jason can now fell her move around. I am sure others could too if I let them burrow into my belly like he tries to but I don't so for everyone else...soon. Also I have noticed more and more that this girl does not hold still. Infact she is dancing around all the time and I am pretty sure one of her favorite things is to use my bladder as a trampoline. Also I have noticed now that she moves from side to side and well it feels pretty odd. Because kicking is just a little jab but when she shifts it feels like my  whole mass goes with her, very strange.

Some other things that  I have noticed is well heartburn is no fun...and no matter what you eat (and trust me I eat a lot) you get it and dizziness is apparently part of the territory that the doc said well....that doesn't get better. Also did anyone know how many birthing classes there are out there? I mean really how am I supposed to know which one to choose? If anyone has suggestions I am open we found one that sounds good just the traditional Lamaze class but mostly because of convenience of schedule and lack of any knowledge of which one to pick...

Alright I am going on and on....

Here are the pics

A good profile one of her

A cool one that shows her heart and heart beat

Me 20 Weeks 3 days
(which I might add is HALF WAY!!)


  1. I can tell she is a beauty!! That round head and all. Gorgeous.

    You should take the birthing class that most fits your desire for delivery. Some are more natural and some promote epiderals... Personally, I would go for the epideral. No need to suffer in these days and time. Do not take the breast feeding class (hospitals have Lactation Specialists if a problem arises), however, I found the sleep pattern class to be very informative and helpful. My kids followed the developing pattern as they described, but I know kids that do not... so its a gamble. Skip the basic skills class, you already have that inside I can tell. Feeding class I found to be worthless... anyone of us can help you there if a problem comes up. You may want to take a "how not to beat your husband when he sleeps through all the crying" class... just kidding. I'm sure Jason will be great! Have fun with it all.

    Love you guys,


  2. Cute belly shot! You look great

  3. Cute pictures! Can you email them to me so I can add them to my pictures gallery?

    I liked the Bradley method of childbirth. It focusses on what is going on inside you rather than something outside like Lamaze. If you are planning to use an epideral, either one would be fine.



  4. I am not planning on an epidural or any drugs for that matter. I am a hippy at heart and have back issues and a high pain threshold so I figure no need to use something if it is not necessary. That is not to say that I won't use it, just that it isn't part of the plan currently.

    Natalie...we shall see how round that head stays..she is upside down still right now.

  5. Thanks for sharing your blog with us! It is great fun!

    As far as the classes go, you can learn to breathe, and go inward, and do whatever to be natural with childbirth, but I like Bill Cosby's line of when you get into heavy duty labor...:I WANT MORPHINE!!!!!" Just kidding! I thought I was the hippy sort until I had the option of epidural....then I could say "aaaaahhhhhhhh..." and relax into enjoying every minute of the precious moments. And I haven't forgotten any...and they are still just as precious!

    I'm so glad you two get to experience it.


  6. Nancy... I love Bill Cosby :D
