That is correct ladies and gents. We are now officially 6 months (23 weeks) along. I would say it is really starting to show too.
See (just for those who cared same shirt different color) I also put one of Jason sticking his belly out as far as he can so you can compare. Mine is a little
So new developments in the baby department. She is kicking and wiggling furiously. I have learned if she has a problem with how I am sitting or what I am wearing etc, she will kick until I change. Someone asked if we thought she would be more like me or more like the Pea. We are voting me she is just as opinionated as they come and she isn't even out yet. The Pea has taken a liking to talking and poking her. He really hopes if he pokes enough she will do it back. Usually she will too.... I think that sometimes he forgets that I am in between all of this so when he pokes it pokes me too and then she pokes me in return. It isn't anything painful yet but every now and again I have to remind him that I am done with the poking for now or he would do it all day.
People have asked about cravings and changes that I have noticed in myself. Well other than the obvious large belly I am now forming. I do crave some things but really it isn't anything to bad. I do like the Slurpee's and chocolate milk. The only thing that I eat new now is eggs. That is right eggs, for those who didn't know the smell of them before would send me for the hills but now I will eat them. I can't say that I eat them all the time but I will eat them now. Other than that I have not had any major changes other than a few loose joints mostly in the hips. No swelling (knock on wood) and none of the other terrible things that are supposed to happen.
On the non baby front we finally have completely unpacked our new place. So for any of you who want to know what a tiny 1 bed apt looks like in UT enjoy the tour. It is just over 600 sq ft. so I am pretty sure the only one who has us beat right now is our fam. in France. But hey when you live in France it isn't so bad I mean it isn't UT.
Hope you enjoy the tour.